Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Follow Squid Acres Teams while on the Trail with SPOT

Dad got us a SPOT tracker for christmas so we can keep track of each other on the long training runs we are doing solo. You can also follow along with the training runs, camping trips and spring expeditions by going to the following page. http://share.findmespot.com/shared/faces/viewspots.jsp?glId=0YTXLnDPoJ0q6eDjMu6ABA8LrkbzpB3QN

1 comment:

  1. The spot tracker sends out a gps point every 10 minutes along the trail, so it gives a relative idea of where the musher is. On long straight trails it works pretty good, but I think you can all tell when I'm zig zagging and doing loops because it makes jagged lines all over the place. Still a great way to keep track of each otehr while we are out on training runs. we have even started to get food ready for returning teams by looking to see how close to home they are.
