Monday, February 8, 2010

Paige in Circle City Checkpoint .. for now anyway :)

What a run folks. Paige and the pups did a 74 mile run from Central to Circle and got in just at dark around 6 pm. The run took her approximately 9 hours and the dogs were super happy and waggy. This stretch of trail followed Birch Creek for the entire route and was a fast nice trail all the way in. A few miles outside Circle she had great head on Passes with Sven who was already headed back towards Central. She dropped her Ipod that keeps her boogieing somewhere on the river so she put Sven on the task to find it on his way into his first place finish. A couple more miles down the trail she had another great head on pass with Magnus and gave him a high five and told him to catch Sven. Paige said the dogs have stepped it up a level and at this point she wishes she was signed up for the 1000 mile race and continuing down the Yukon River. Instead she'll get the dogs up around midnight and head back the 74 miles to Central to the finish line. Sven has just finished in first place and Magnus is expected in second. Way to go guys. Sean Williams left about an hour ago and is likely to get third although he has a broken runner and has been suffering on it since mile 101. The race is now on for 4th place. Cain came in 1 hour and 25 minutes before Paige, putting him currently in 4th. Throughout this race they have been moving at the same pace.. If that trend continues the 4th place finish will go to whomever leaves first.... who will it be? Lets hope it is Paige.
The race has been going great. All 4 teams in front of her come from Large Iditarod Racing Kennels. If Squid Acres can hang right behind with this low level of experience than good things are to come.
As for the rest of the 300 mushers, Harvey is on his way and due in Circle soon and Mike King and Travis I believe are still in Central for their mandatory layover. Check back around 9 am alaska time tommorow to see if Paige has finished and find out what place.

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